This is a very quick and tasty great salmon salad that can be eaten as a sandwich on thickly sliced specialty bread (fantastic on foccacia). To serve as...
This recipe is tweaked from one I found. It is so good, my husband, who is a very picky eater, often requests this! Enjoy and pat yourself on the back...
For a beautiful, flavorful cold salad and a wonderful variation from the standards, try this easy and delicious couscous. Shrimp and tomatoes are tossed...
This is a really great tuna salad recipe I got from a friend who used it in her catering service business many years ago. The secret ingredients are the...
I found the original recipe in an article and tweaked it to my taste. Have to say that I like this Mediterranean version of tuna salad better than normal...
I took a spin on one of the tuna salad recipes and came up with this. Great for a sandwich or serve on crackers as an hors d'oeuvre. I recommend using...
This quick and easy pasta salad features mezze penne pasta, tomatoes, cucumbers, shallot, salmon, and a lemon-pepper-dill vinaigrette. You can use leftover...
This is an adaptation of my Mom's recipe. A very colorful salad that's great any time of the year. A light creamy salad dressing can be substituted to...
This salad is so light and refreshing. Perfect for a warm summer's day, and hearty enough for a dinner meal as well. You will feel yourself transported...
The dressing for this dish is made to use with crab, but I think the smoky grilled shrimp are a great summertime twist. Make the dressing ahead of time...
This easy shrimp salad contains no lettuce. It's perfect for barbeques or as a 'change of pace' dinner side dish. Customize this recipe with your favorite...
This recipe is great for summer barbeques as a side dish for kabobs or Asian satay. May also be served warm. Optional: add a 1/2 cup of finely chopped...
I grew up eating a similar tuna salad, I have since adjusted it to be a little healthier than before. The apples make it fresh and delicious! Serve on...
Most pasta salads have a mayonnaise base, which I thought was too heavy for a salmon pasta salad. I swapped in a vinaigrette of sorts, with just a dusting...
Simple cold crab and shrimp salad that will fulfill your needs. Light and right on carb levels. Enjoy this simple dish; use light mayo and light sour cream...
Grapefruit's piquant bitter juiciness balanced by French dressing's sweetness and creamy avocado, all adorning succulent shrimp atop a bed of greens...truly,...
Tender scallops and shrimp meet crunchy bell peppers and red onion in this refreshing salad dressed with Marie's® Garlic Parmesan Italian Vinaigrette....
This tuna and macaroni salad is a family favorite throughout the year. I like to make this the night before, refrigerate, and let the flavors blend together....
Grilled shrimp and Greek flavorings (tomato, feta, Kalamata olives, oregano) commingle in a this salad. Thread the shrimp onto skewers, and so they'll...
A delicious, light, spicy salad, excellent for summer cooking! A perfect side to any grilled Asian-style dishes. Wasabi paste may be used instead of the...
A delicious tuna salad with a tangy, sweet bite from honey mustard. Make this lighter by using light, creamy salad dressing, sugar substitute, and sea...